  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin, Rep. Schakowsky

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

December 2

Congratulations. Your inaction on the election results have managed to turn me, who has voted in every election (local and federal for the last 26 years) into a non-voter. Just admit that Elon Musk shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near our election process, nor his technology. Nor should he get election results before everyone else, as he claimed to have gotten. Why were his satellites used? Why was he heard talking about writing a line of code? Why was Trump heard talking about a surprise? Stop gaslighting the public and admit that the voting machines can be tampered with and find a better way to go forward with the election process until that happens, you have alienated millions of voters and not only handed this country to fascist, but also allowed the loonies to take over. Now we have to listen to people who will burn the house down just to try and make Jesus come back, even though not all of us may believe in Christianity. We have men who want to strangle us with the Bible and take our voting rights away and give them to the “men that love us” even though some of us are unmarried and our fathers are deceased, let alone the fact that we have our own brains and can think for ourselves. And not to mention corporations will be running amok charging whatever they want. The only immigrants ruining this country are Musk, Thiel, and Murdock. The lunatics will be running the asylum. You played yourself because you lost you gumption and millions worldwide will lose their lives as a result, because we all know that the US influences policy EVERYWHERE. YOU ARE COWARDS. HOW CAN YOU LOOK YOU DAUGHTERS AND GRANDDAUGHTERS IN THE EYES?

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