  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Stabenow, Rep. McClain, Sen. Peters

From: A verified voter in Oxford, MI

November 12

Our republic aspires to be a nation where all peace created equal and nobody--not even our president--is above the law. Unfortunately, our Supreme Court has ruled that presidents have immunity from prosecution for crimes they commit as part of their official duties as president. It's astonishing that any Supreme Court justice could assert that it may be necessary for a sitting president to commit a crime in the execution of their duties, but here we are. To ensure that we remain a nation of laws and to not devolve into a chaotic kleptocracy, we must categorically reject the idea that the president can commit crimes with impunity. Thank you, Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters, for cosponsoring the No Kings Act in the Senate. Representative McClain, if you share my love of the United States as a nation governed by laws rather than the whims of individuals, you will certainly throw your full support behind the No Kings Act when it reaches the House. Thank you

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