  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Pass the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to End US Support of Genocide

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey, Rep. Evans

From: A constituent in Philadelphia, PA

September 27

The ongoing violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to immense suffering, with thousands of Palestinian civilians killed or injured and widespread destruction of infrastructure and housing. Israel's actions appear to violate international law, including the Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act regulating the use of U.S. weapons. Sending more arms could enable further civilian casualties and undermine efforts to secure a ceasefire that protects civilians on both sides. Instead of fueling escalation, the ethical path is to leverage diplomatic pressure for a resolution that upholds human rights and restores stability. This situation demands moral leadership to end complicity in atrocities and pursue a just peace. The Joint Resolutions of Disapproval provide an opportunity to realign U.S. policy with universal human rights principles and international law, which should take priority over military aid transfers that risk enabling more civilian suffering.

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