  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

Save Your Queer Citizens

To: Sen. Hagerty, Pres. Biden, Rep. Ogles, Sen. Blackburn

From: A constituent in Brentwood, TN

July 16

To Whom It May Concern, America has a long history of opposing the Nazis. We have a long history of beating fascism and trying to do the right thing by our people and by the world. If you do not start making moves to protect the queer people in this country, we will be forever tarnishing America. We will be letting the Nazis win. I make a living by making queer art and telling queer stories. I’m an author. And I’m not the only queer author there is. To destroy my future and the future of many people around us by letting Republicans torture us and shove us away into the shadows is to side with an unspeakable evil. Start making movies to protect queer people on a federal level NOW. Signed, A Patriot Who Wants Her Country to Love Her Back

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