Support Free and Safe Passage for Gaza Humanitarian Aid Mission
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Support Free and Safe Passage for Gaza Humanitarian Aid Mission

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Murphy, Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Courtney

From: A constituent in East Hampton, CT

April 25

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, a group of international activists, is currently on a mission to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to Gaza. Their fleet, consisting of three ships, carries tons of aid and passengers from various nations. Despite the potential risks, including possible interference from Israeli forces, these individuals have undergone rigorous training to ensure the success of their mission. The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza has sparked global outrage, and the need to break the siege is more urgent than ever. Relief organizations face numerous challenges, and the response from the U.S. government has been mixed. The Coalition is calling for "free and safe passage" to Gaza. It is crucial that we support this call and demand that Israel does not hinder the flotilla's mission in any way. Source:

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