  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe Biden called me an elitist because I have eyes and ears. He must go NOW!

To: Sen. Stabenow, Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters, Rep. Slotkin

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 21

Now, Joe Biden is calling me an elitist. I’m an elitist making $20 an hour, going into debt. I’m an elitist for wanting to beat Trump and prevent fascism from taking over. I’m an elitist for wanting to preserve the constitution, rule of law, snd democracy itself. I’m an elitism for understanding the numbers and that Joe Biden has no path to victory. I’m an elitist for using my eyes and ears and understanding Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline is painfully obvious and makes him look weak to the world and to independents, republicans, and democrats. I’m an elitist for caring about this country while Joe’s egotistical tantrums of a 81 year old who can’t cope with reality and now is the most dangerous person on the planet, even more so than Trump because he has the power to give is Trump. Right now, the history books will say Joe Biden’s hubris costed Ukraine, Palestine, and Taiwan their countries, it costed the USA democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution. Hundreds of thousands of servicemen and women died protecting this nation, but those must be elitists too. Your silence is deafening and you have one job, you just speak the truth, speak truth to power. Be an “elitist” and speak out. If you fail Michigan and remain silent, my job will be to get you out of power and I’ll let Trump win. Maybe this corrupt government needs to be demolished from you real elitist.

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