  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Brownley, Sen. Butler, Pres. Biden, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Thousand Oaks, CA

July 19

As a lifelong Democrat, I am ashamed and appalled at our parties media behavior in asking President Biden to step down as our Nominee for the 2024 Presidential election. He signed up for a complete disaster in 2020 and his team has made major accomplishments in almost every area of governance. How soon every one of you seem to forget where we were as a nation when he ran against Trump the first time. How soon you forget that Joe Biden stood up for all Americans and did what he could to return us to “normal”. You are not only disrespecting our Commander In Chief and his lifetime of service, you are embarrassing our entire party and his constituents. If there was issue with him as our Nominee, something should have been discussed way before now. You are making us look like a laughing stock. Perhaps you might speak to your colleagues on The Hill and let them know that WE THE PEOPLE have something to say. I am voting for Joe Biden and I think it’s disgusting what you are allowing to happen right now. Thank you.

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