  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe has no path to victory, so wtf are you doing about it?

To: Sen. Stabenow, Pres. Biden, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 17

Joe Biden has no path to victory, you are setting us up for disaster. Why must you roll over and let MAGA win? What’s your motivation to get destroyed in November? Is it your lack of integrity? Is your lack of patriotism? Is it lack of a spine? Is your lack of mathematics? Is it your lack of knowledge? Is it your lack of education? Is it your lack of decency? Is it your inability to vocalize the truth? Is it your arrogance? Is it your ignorance? I’ll tell you one thing. If you don’t demand in public that Joe Biden step down for younger more competent non mentally and physically declined candidate that can win in November, well you will eventually go down with the ship. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done all that matters is what you do now until the convention. If you keep your head in the sand and continue to be delusional, I will never support you and I’ll without my vote in November and I’ll watch it all burn. Your choice.

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