  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

PASS HR 5142 Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act

To: Sen. Warnock, Sen. Ossoff, Rep. Bishop

From: A constituent in Warner Robins, GA

February 11

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Americans have united in the fight against the virus by getting vaccinated. Unfortunately, some have experienced severe adverse effects, leaving them unable to work or care for their families. Current laws restrict these individuals from filing claims against vaccine manufacturers, directing them instead to the government's Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). However, the CICP is significantly inadequate, with a rejection rate exceeding 97%, and it lacks essential consumer protections. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act (H.R. 5142) offers a solution to this issue. This legislation would enable Americans to file claims through the more comprehensive National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The Act aims to address the backlog of cases, increase compensation caps that have remained unchanged since 1986, permit legal representation, and expedite the inclusion of future vaccines in the program. A vote in favor of H.R. 5142 is a vote to modernize a program that is failing Americans. This is crucial for building public confidence in the U.S. vaccine program and providing long overdue support for those who have suffered genuine injuries. The House must act swiftly to restore faith in these essential programs. I urge my representative to co-sponsor or vote YES on HR 5142, introduced by Rep Dogget (D) TX and Smucker (R) PA. I urge my senator to draft a companion bill, and work with the HELP committee to draft this bill.

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