  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Stop the dangerous conflation of anti-semitism & anti-zionism

To: Sen. Schumer, Pres. Biden, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez

From: A constituent in Jackson Heights, NY

May 10

I call on you to reject all rhetoric and legislation that conflates anti-zionism with anti-semitism. This erroneous conflation is imminently endangering people as they rightfully protest against genocide, and it also undermines the ongoing fight against true anti-semitism. As you well know, not all Jews are Israelis. Tying the motivations of the world’s entire population of Jews to a single state or government is ignorant and, I would argue, anti-semitic in itself. I wonder, will you pledge to combat islamophobia/anti-Arab racism with as much vigor as you do anti-semitism or other types of hate and discrimination? …Stopping the ongoing US-funded genocide of Palestinians would certainly be a great way to reduce hatred in the world. 1. Begin an arms embargo, now! Halt the provision of all aid and arms to Israel immediately in order to obey US law under 10 USC 362, 22 USC 2378-1, and 22 USC 2378d. 2. Use the full strength of US resources to demand that Israel comply with the UN Security Council ceasefire resolution, and work to achieve a lasting ceasefire. 3. Force Israel to let sufficient humanitarian aid into Gaza via existing land routes; support the efforts of the Freedom Flotilla in their emergency mission to deliver aid to Gaza; fund UNRWA. 4. Sanction Israel for its illegal actions, including in the West Bank. 5. Reject all rhetoric and legislation that conflates anti-zionism with anti-semitism. 6. HANDS OFF RAFAH! De-escalate! No more bombs on Gaza, Yemen, Iran, or anywhere else in the Middle East! No more forever wars!

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