  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Can We Save Our Democracy?

To: Rep. Goldman, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

July 4, 2024

We are on the verge of losing our democracy. The less-than Spreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in June and now they have granted immunity to Trump. Not bad for a few weeks work. As our democracy gets flushed down the toilet what steps are you taking to combat this vile assault on our republic? The Dems have a bad habit of caving to the Republicans for fear of repercussions. Or trying to reason with traitors who can’t be reasoned with. Let me remind you what Winston Churchill said about dealing with Hitler. “You can’t negotiate with a tiger while your head is in its mouth.” Wake up! The time to act is now!

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