  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe has no path to victory, allow a winning ticket to emerge with debates.

To: Sen. Peters, Rep. Slotkin, Pres. Biden, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 20

I’m so sick of your inability to voice the truth. Joe Biden’s mental decline and now stubbornness to face reality is a recipe for fascism to take over. This race was over weeks ago and you still can voice the truth or the math. Joe Biden has no path to victory and you know it. He will bring down the house and senate with him because of his egotistical behavior and his lack to integrity. You must intervene and speak the truth, demand Biden step down and either support Kamala or support an open convention with lush and copious debates that will suck all the oxygen out of the room and we can run a united campaign of ideas and policies and show the American people what true democracy and leadership looks like. We need to galvanize this movement with a new ticket. We need Obama, Biden, Bernie, Warren, Mayor Pete, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer all to campaign as a unit to defeat the 34x felon rapist insurrectionist. This isn’t rocket science, it’s common sense and the fact that you are publicly saying this raises my doubts on wether you have this countries best interests in mind, or if you are party loyalists over country- the same cowardice that has taken over the Republican Party of MAGA. The time is now, do the right thing and demand Joe drop out of the race and have him use his new immunity and bully pulpit for good for a change. This isn’t rocket science but you democrats sure love to lose and to go against the people in the most asinine ways. If you let Biden become the nominee in his condition and under these circumstances of current swing state polling. I’ll let MAGA burn this country down, maybe the corruption and the rich have gone past the point of no return and this is the only way for meaningful change. You have learned nothing from 2016-2020 and it shows. Do what’s necessary or you will lose a down ballot blue voter for life.

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