  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Goldman

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

July 23

I request that you do not attend Netanyahu's speech to Congress on July 24. He is a war criminal and has weakened our democracy tremendously. Get out of the pocket of AIPAC. Listen to your constituents. Nothing about Netanyahu represents Jewish ideals and to have him speak to our congress is not only anti-American it is anti-Semitic. Publicly denounce Netanyahu and stand on the ground you claim is the free soil of America. Do not succumb to the tyranny of this man and his cronies. 186, 000 people have died. That is 62x higher than 9/11. 14,000 children. By his and our hands alone. Stand up for America, stand against Netanyahu and Israel. Even the ICJ has ruled that it is an apartheid state. There is no medical aid. There is no water. Polio is in the sewage. We're giving this man a PLATFORM? It's embarrassing. Do better.

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