  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Open vetting process crucial for 2024 Democratic nominee

To: Sen. Padilla, Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler, Rep. Gomez

From: A constituent in Los Angeles, CA

July 19

President Biden's decision to remain in the 2024 presidential race is untenable. Public and private polling indicate dwindling support for his candidacy, making it increasingly difficult for him to unite the Democratic Party behind his campaign. While he pleads for congressional backing, the writing is on the wall - Biden will inevitably exit the race. The Democratic Party cannot afford to privately anoint a successor like Vice President Harris as the presumptive nominee. Such backroom dealings would play right into Donald Trump's narrative of corruption and rigged elections. Instead, Democrats must pursue an open, democratic process to select their 2024 ticket. To that end, I propose holding four historic town halls across different regions of the country - South, Northeast, Midwest, and West. Facilitated by respected voices like Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, these forums would allow substantive discussions to elevate qualified candidates organically. This democratic process would undermine Trump's claims of a rigged system while energizing the party base. The 2024 election is pivotal for safeguarding American democracy. Democrats cannot fall into Trump's trap by appearing to handpick Biden's replacement behind closed doors. An open, nationwide dialogue to vet potential nominees is crucial to heal divisions, inspire confidence in the process, and ultimately defeat Trump's authoritarian tendencies. The future of the republic depends on getting this right.

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