  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Biden has no path to victory and you know it. NEW TICKET NOW!

To: Rep. Slotkin, Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 15

What exactly are you waiting for? Biden is losing in EVERY single swing state including Michigan. That margin will increase after the assassination attempt. Show me the path for a Biden victory.. show me how democrats win in November with Biden heading the ticket. If you can’t, because I know you can’t, then demand Biden step down so we can have a chance at defeating fascism from a rapist 34x felon Project 2025 insurrectionist Donald Trump. Biden is going to lose, so what’s your plan? Sticking your head in the sand and calling for unity while the right plots the destruction of everything we hold sacred that hundreds of thousands died protecting.. I’m so disappointed in your lack of integrity, lack of reality, lack of facing the facts. Shame on you all for choosing party over country and gaslighting the American people by sticking with someone that has no path to victory in November. What have you all become?

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