  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Condemn Israel's abuses against Palestinian detainees and demand accountability.

To: Rep. Courtney, Sen. Murphy, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

July 13

Israel's treatment of Palestinian detainees is unconscionable and a flagrant violation of international law. The disturbing reports of widespread torture, sexual violence, medical neglect and appalling conditions at facilities like Sde Teiman are truly abhorrent. Over 21,000 Palestinians are held without charge or trial, subjected to inhumane treatment tantamount to war crimes. This systematic abuse and deprivation of basic rights cannot be tolerated. An immediate ceasefire and end to hostilities is imperative to halt the suffering. Israel must be held accountable for these egregious human rights abuses against detainees. All military aid and funding enabling such atrocities must cease. Additionally, reinstatement of funding for UNRWA is crucial to provide humanitarian support to those impacted by the conflict and displacement. Justice and human dignity for Palestinians must be upheld through decisive action condemning these unacceptable violations.

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