  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Defend equal rights for all, including transgender Americans.

To: Rep. Espaillat, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in New York, NY

November 19

It is unacceptable to deny equal rights and dignity to transgender individuals like Rep.-elect Sarah McBride. Restricting access to facilities based on assumptions about "biological sex" is discriminatory and dehumanizing. Trans women are women, period. All members of Congress deserve equal respect regardless of gender identity. This proposed resolution perpetuates the very culture wars and needless divides that distract from addressing real issues facing constituents - like affordable housing, healthcare, and childcare. Uniting to protect the freedoms and rights of all Americans should be the priority, not manufacturing controversies that single out a marginalized community. We call on representatives to lead with compassion, defend civil liberties for everyone, and focus efforts on improving lives rather than sowing division.

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