  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Stop Arming Israel

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Espaillat

From: A constituent in Bronx, NY

September 17, 2024

I am wholly dismayed by the lack of criticism of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians. Every time I think I can’t tolerate a single more dead Palestinian child on my social media feed, I am met again with more. This is despicable. A Palestinian life is not less valuable, not less precious, than an Israeli life, and due to the constant oppression of Palestinians, their needs rights and safety need to be prioritized immediately. If your silence and complicity is for the sake of oil off the coast of Gaza, can you please be transparent and just say that? Just say, "If Israel controls the oil, then we can get at it more easily." If your silence is not for as cynical a reason as this, then please support an arms embargo. Israel cannot be trusted with any more weapons. It attacks it neighbors with impunity with our help. This is despicable and I refuse to allow you to endorse it, silently or otherwise. I will not be voting for you in November unless you come out in favor of an arms embargo in order to stop this very obvious genocide of Palestinians. Thank you.

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