  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Halt bomb shipments, prioritize diplomacy and peace in Gaza

To: Sen. Murphy, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Courtney

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

July 16

The ongoing genocide in Gaza is deeply concerning and the civilian casualties are unacceptable. While the US has paused shipments of 2,000-pound bombs due to concerns over their use in densely populated areas, it has resumed sending 500-pound bombs to Israel. These weapons still have a devastating impact, with a blast radius of 20 meters that can cause severe harm or death. I urge you to reconsider supplying any munitions that enable further violence and suffering in Gaza. The priority must be de-escalation, protecting civilians, and pursuing a just and lasting peace through diplomacy and negotiations, not more weapons and warfare. I request that all bomb shipments to Israel be halted until concrete steps are taken to end the bloodshed and advance a resolution to this long-standing genocide.

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