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  3. Letter

Presidential race

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Bowman, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Mamaroneck, NY

July 20

I am calling to DEMAND Congressman Bowman and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand push the party to focus and stop information leaks happening right now about President Biden staying on the ticket. At at a time when we should be all coming together to fight SCOTUS's lastest rulings and Project 2025, Democratic leadership has helped the focus away from this. We should NOT be in this position. Every news cycle s dominated by anotehr leak from the party. I am asking for Democratic electeds to recognize the damage and push leadership to focus and asking for clarity. What is the plan if Biden leaves the ticket? We need clarity, focus and not speculation or in-fighting. Thank you very much and will do all we can to make sure Biden wins if he stays. -Dr. Ritika Arora

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