  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

I support Biden and so should you!

To: Rep. Trahan, Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Lowell, MA

July 6

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with Democrats at this point. President Biden certainly had his challenges at the debate. But it is TOO LATE to be talking about forcing him to step aside. Who is the alternative at this point? The entire party should be uniting around Biden in order to defeat Trump and to elect more Democrats to the House and Senate. It is not just about electing the right person to lead the country. It is also about electing a person that will surround themselves with qualified and experienced staff and cabinet members. Democrats are jeopardizing all at this point and it is mind boggling to me. I would rather vote for Biden half in the grave than chance Trump being re-elected. The stakes are too high to not support Biden. Get over yourselves. Thank you.

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