  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Israel’s War on Women

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Houlahan, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Chester Springs, PA

May 25

The dire situation in Gaza has reached an appalling new low, with reports of pregnant women being forced to undergo hysterectomies after childbirth to prevent fatal bleeding, due to the absence of necessary medical resources. Israel’s continued targeting and decimation of healthcare facilities and workers, in addition to blockading aid, is wiping out future generations of Palestinians and women’s right to choose. Destruction of Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure has led to circumstances where life-saving procedures are no longer feasible. Dr. Juni Sultan, who recently returned from Gaza, highlighted the severity of this crisis: “Usually this bleeding is very heavy, and to save their lives, they resort to hysterectomies. Normally, we can try embolisation and other measures to avoid hysterectomies in young females. But in Gaza, due to limited resources and too much workload, this happens.” This not only robs them of the ability to conceive again but also subjects them to immense physical and emotional trauma, often without adequate anaesthesia. Despite the few functioning hospitals in Gaza, it is estimated that 180 babies are born every day into an environment where adequate medical care is a distant hope. This strategic decimation of healthcare services is an egregious violation of human rights, compounding the suffering of women who have already endured the loss of their children, homes, and partners due to the relentless siege. Palestinian women and girls have long been targets of airstrikes, bullets, inadequate sanitation, and substandard healthcare. These conditions have led to alarmingly high rates of maternal and infant mortality, alongside other preventable diseases. The systematic obliteration of Gaza’s health infrastructure, resulting in pregnant women undergoing life-threatening procedures, constitutes a form of femicide. This deliberate targeting of women’s reproductive health exemplifies a brutal manifestation of gender-based violence and oppression. It reflects a gross disregard for the lives and well-being of Palestinian women, contributing to the broader pattern of violence and injustice they face daily. Words of caution are futile. Immediate and decisive international action is required to halt Israel’s aggressive actions and ensure accountability for these heinous crimes. Aid access is essential, but accountability for the damage and atrocities already committed are also fundamental to preventing further catastrophe. I call on you to sanction Israel, immediately halt arms sales and licenses, and support the prosecution of all war criminals. You must stand on the right side of history, ensuring that peace, justice, and equality prevail for all inhabitants of the region. Supporting the recognition of a Palestinian state is essential. I look forward to your prompt and decisive action in support of the Palestinian people’s fundamental rights and dignity, and an end to their genocide at the hands of the Israeli regime.

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