  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Address systemic healthcare insurance issues through meaningful reforms

To: Sen. Warnock, Pres. Biden, Rep. Collins, Sen. Ossoff

From: A constituent in Athens, GA

December 5

If we do not as a nation develop Medicare for all and leave medical decisions to medical personnel, we are doing a great disservice to the American people. The health and wellbeing of our people is the most important foundation for learning, leading, parenting, and working. Private, for profit health insurance is unethical and an embarrassment to our country on the world stage. Our tax dollars should support this 100%, and absolutely increase taxes on billionaires and corporations to cover it. Without our health, there is nothing. The insurers have figured that out. But dead folks don't vote. I'm a registered nurse and I do.

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