  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Biden is delusional and is trying to take the USA down with him. NEW TICKET!

To: Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Stabenow, Pres. Biden, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 8

Biden is delusional, his mental decline is now affecting his decision making. His selfish ego is now a danger to the country and the world, what a fall from grace and stature. It’s unbelievable how naive and narcissistic he has become in the past 2 weeks. The Biden campaign is just as at fault at Biden and his inner circle. There must be a turning point with this disastrous situation soon. I will not tolerate Joe Biden getting in the way of our democracy surviving, our constitution surviving, and the rule of law surviving. Biden is losing to a rapist 34x felon insurrectionist and he will take down the senate and house while doing so. Joe Biden can no longer perform the duties of the presidency and now I demand that he should not only step down but resign from office. Not only is he destroying his own legacy but now he’s trying to take the country down with him. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS! I’ll be going to the Democratic national convention and it will be either a celebration with a new ticket or a riot from utter despair and anger. WE WANT A NEW TICKET AND WE WANT IT NOW!

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