  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Wild, Sen. Casey, Sen. Fetterman

From: A constituent in Emmaus, PA

May 29

I love my Jewish family and I understand that Hamas needs to be taken out but what is happening in Gaza is awful. Can we please get Netanyahu to stop bombing civilian refugee camps? I have family in Israel who want it stopped also. Too many people are dying. If the United States could take out Osama Bin Laden without civilian casualties why is Israel having such a hard time finding Hamas? I’m sure they have intelligence agencies. I fear for my family as now the Arab countries are poised and ready to fight along with Russia. We need to tell him to stop this unnecessary bombing of people. As I see it they were all one people back in the day. Canaanites. Did we all forget history? Please stop this mass murder and figure out how to create peace please.

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