  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Biden needs to drop out NOW! Your silence is DEAFENING!

To: Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Slotkin, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 19

So this is going to continue… there will be no graceful exit. Biden is now ruining his legacy every day he continues this disastrous “campaign” of lies, denials, and delusions. And you are continuing to be silent this in dark and unstable time. The DNC, Biden Campaign, and even you cannot be trusted to do what’s necessary or even speak the truth. While your head is in the sand, some of us are actually trying to save democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law. Your apathy, your silence, your indifference will be a stain on your reputation, the state of Michigan, and the country as a whole. I will always keep the DNC in check because they cannot be trusted, I will also always keep you in check from your continued silence and denial. You people never learn and sounds like that will always be the case. Never turn your back or the Democrats will put party over country, that is completely inline with republicans. When people say both sides are the same, I get extremely defensive and push back hard. It’s times like this where that argument is valid and I’m left wondering just how deep the corruption goes. STAND UP and use your voice, Joe Biden has no path to victory and his defiance could be the end of this nation. If you don’t speak out about this, what good are you to Michigan? What good are you for the United States? What good are you for Ukraine, Palestine, and Taiwan? Time is running out and your silence is DEAFENING!

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