  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Demand accountability for Israeli airstrike massacre in Gaza

To: Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Dean, Pres. Biden, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Wyncote, PA

August 16

An Israeli airstrike on a mosque and school in Gaza has killed at least 93 Palestinians, including many civilians taking shelter there. This indiscriminate attack on a site housing displaced people is an unconscionable violation of international law and human rights. Israel must be held accountable for what can only be described as a massacre and act of state terrorism against the Palestinian people. The international community must condemn this latest atrocity in the strongest terms and take concrete steps to end Israel's illegal occupation and apartheid policies that enable such heinous crimes against humanity. The systematic oppression, displacement, and slaughter of Palestinians cannot go unanswered. Justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people must be realized through multilateral pressure on Israel to respect human rights and comply with UN resolutions. This tragic loss of innocent lives underscores the urgent need for intervention to achieve a just peace.

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