  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

I’m a down ballot blue voter, you have lost my confidence and my vote.

To: Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden, Rep. Slotkin

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 16

You are all clowns and morons. You are all going to let this country go down in flames. You are watching it in slow motion and you aren’t doing a damn thing to do ANYTHING about it. You keep silent, you keep doing nothing. You keep to yourself and you don’t say the truth. The truth is Biden has no path to victory, his swing state numbers are beyond repair and he’s going to take the house and senate with him. A FASCIST RAPIST FELON is running for president and MOPPING THE FLOOR with mentally declined semi conscience Joe Biden. But the spray tan and face lifts are really helping… helping him look like Trump 2.0 because he’s sounding more delusional and arrogant every day. You have your head in the sand and are doing nothing. We need debates NOW. We need a mini primary before the convention or during. This isn’t rocket science FFS all you need to do is say the truth and combat the lies and evil of MAGA. But you can’t and you won’t because you are pathetic and cowardly. Continue this path and I WILL NOT VOTE for any democrat, nor will I campaign or donate or GOTV like I do every midterm and presidential election. As a Michigan Voter, I’m on the front line but leadership is nowhere to be found. NOWHERE. You deserve to lose, this country frankly deserves Trump and MAGA. It’s corruption and media manipulation has been a perfect storm for TRUMP because people have no confidence in you clowns running the country because nothing ever changes. Nothing. At least with Trump it may all go up in flames and from the ashes may we remake the USA as a fair and free society not a oligarchy where Elon Musk donated 45 million a month to a rapist 34x felon fraudster insurrectionist. I’m so disappointed in you. Truly you all are such cowards.

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