  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

14 years to clear Gaza of rubble -- PERMANENT CEASEFIRE NOW

To: Rep. Tenney, Sen. Gillibrand, Sen. Schumer, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Seneca Falls, NY

April 26

As reported by Al Jazeera today, April 26, it will take "Up to 14 years to clear Gaza rubble including unexploded ordnance," says Pehr Lodhammar, senior officer at the United Nations Mine Action Service. "Israel’s devastating war has left an estimated 37 million tonnes of debris in the Gaza Strip." Infectious diseases are spreading rapidly as the weather warms in overcrowded Rafah where the infrastructure - which already was not designed to handle 1.5 million people - has been completely destroyed by Israel. Call for a permanent ceasefire now. End all US aid to Israel. End Israel's seige on Gaza. Reinstate humanitarian funding to UNRWA. Arms embargo and sanctions on Israel. Demand the release of all Palestinian prisoners/hostages held by Israel, including the bodies of Palestinians who died in Israeli custody. End Israel's occupation of Palestine.

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