Suspend Military Aid to Israel for Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza
  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Suspend Military Aid to Israel for Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Murphy, Rep. Courtney, Sen. Blumenthal

From: A constituent in East Hampton, CT

April 12

Democratic Senators' recent appeal to suspend military aid to Israel highlights the urgency of the situation in Gaza. The humanitarian crisis, intensified by Israel's interference in aid delivery, is a violation of the Foreign Assistance Act. Over 31,000 Palestinians, primarily women and children, have been killed, and allegations of starvation as a weapon of war have surfaced. Therefore, it is requested to halt military aid to Israel, call for an immediate ceasefire, and reinstate funding for UNRWA. This approach aligns with the commitment to prioritize human lives and uphold international law.

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