  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe has no path to victory and you are following him down.. for what? Tell me.

To: Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 17

Biden has no path to victory and your silence is deafening. Joe has become a bitter self centered lying clown. I normally use that language for Trump but I call a spade a spade. Trump is a 34x felon rapist and he’s beating Joe in every major swing state and even Virginia FFS. Show me how Biden wins and I’ll back him and you all, but you won’t. You keep your head in the sand and pretend like MAGA isn’t coming for your livelihoods. Pretend that the constitution, the rule of law, and democracy will keep going with another Trump presidency. Pretend that Palestine, Ukraine, and Taiwan will survive another Trump presidency. Pretend that fascism won’t come for the majority of people and Latinos won’t be deported by the millions. Pretend that he won’t destroy the justice department and every single felony against him. Pretend that the NY charges won’t be somehow overturned by the Supreme Court of MAGA. All you are doing is delaying the inevitable: if you stick with Joe Biden you will get Trump. If you aren’t vocal about this blatantly obvious fact, I’m never coming back to you or the Democratic Party. The DNC and all you clowns did this in 2016 while I pleaded for your support for Michigan’s primary winner Bernie Sanders, his poll numbers were +8 vs +2 for Hillary but you all didn’t give a flying f*ck. History is repeating itself but one thing is for sure, this will be the end of democracy and everything we hold so dear. This will all because of your voiceless cowardice, when the history books are written you will go down as the silent leaders that didn’t do what’s necessary that so many hundreds of thousands died to protect, you failed democracy because of party loyalty instead of giving us the best chance to win. Good job you clowns, shame on you.

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