  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Impose an arms embargo on Israel for torturing innocent civilians

To: Rep. Courtney, Sen. Blumenthal, Pres. Biden, Sen. Murphy

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

September 5, 2024

Israel brutally tortured 50-year-old Ayman Rajeh Abed to death after arresting him in Jenin. This horrific act is part of Israel's routine use of torture against Palestinian detainees on an unprecedented scale, with at least 53 Palestinian prisoners dying in Israeli custody between October 2023 and July 2024 according to the UN. Israel's systemic torture violates international law and dehumanizes Palestinians, enabled by widespread impunity and societal backing for such atrocities. An immediate comprehensive arms embargo on Israel is a critical step to prevent further suffering and loss of innocent lives. Concrete measures to hold Israel accountable, including an arms embargo, are imperative moral and legal obligations.

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