  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Support JRD!!!: stop $20b weapons transfer to Israel

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Suozzi, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Hicksville, NY

October 16

I implore you to co-sponsor and vote in support of the Joint Resolution of Disapproval to block the $20billion weapons package approved by the Biden administration. 61% of Americans support an arms embargo on Israel - why do our elected officials continue to support this rogue state systematically killing Palestinian and now Lebanese civilians by starvation, missiles, burning alive, sniper bullets, turning pagers into IEDs, and the annihilation of medical facilities and medical workers. The current government of Israel continues their genocidal campaign with impunity and billions of US tax dollars. I cannot watch another child, similar in age to my own children, burned alive, buried alive, shot in the head by Israeli snipers, starved to death or just cruelly left to suffer to death from conditions that a functioning medical system could have treated. Please end this nightmare! Israel continues to embarrass the US and the Biden administration. They will burn the planet down while claiming their right to defend themselves.

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