  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Biden will bring the house and senate down with him. What are you doing!?

To: Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 20

You have until Monday to voice the truth. You have until Monday to grow a spine. You have until money to do what’s necessary in order to preserve democracy, the constitution, and the rule of law. Joe Biden’s mental decline is too much, every telepromptered speech and god forbid off the cuff interviews make more Trump supporters. This isn’t sustainable, you tell me how Biden wins in regards to the math, the swings states. Biden is not only losing in all of them, now Virginia and Minnesota are in play. Biden will lose the house and senate at this rate along with the presidency. The Supreme Court is MAGA right now with 3 more spots that could go Democrats way if we win. But we won’t with Joe Biden and you know it. Joe has been a great president but he’s in no physical or mental state to compete. This is a disaster of the DNC and Biden Campaigns making and they are blaming everyone but themselves. If you don’t voice the truth by Monday and demand Biden pass the porch.. I’ll let this country burn by not voting in Michigan down ballot blue. That’s what it has come to. You all are willing to sacrifice this country, why should I be any different? YOUR SILENCE IS DEAFENING! Stand up for Michigan, USA, the WORLD!

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