Do not send money to Israel
  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Do not send money to Israel

To: Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters, Pres. Biden, Rep. Kildee

From: A constituent in Davison, MI

April 19

We must stop funding Israel immediately. It was understandable initially, Israel had the right to protect themselves from Hamas. They are now trying to eradicate Palestine and starting a war with Iran. We do not need to support these efforts. Our citizens need help. We are wasting money and I do not support these efforts. I will do the only thing I can. If the funding continues, I will be sitting out the next election. I believe Donald Trump is a threat to our norms and will be terrible for our nation. However, I truly believe that continuing funding to Israel may start World War 3. I don’t see a logical choice anymore. Casting a vote in the election is pointless.

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