  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Joe has no path to victory, NEW TICKET NOW!

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Stabenow, Rep. Slotkin, Sen. Peters

From: A constituent in Lansing, MI

July 16

And now the DNC and Biden Administration are trying to fast track Biden’s nomination process from the convention to next week!? Are you kidding me? What kind of lunacy is this? Biden is LOSING every single swing state including Michigan. If the democrats do this, if the DNC does this, if the Biden Campaign does this… I’m forever done with you cowards. I will never support any democrat with my vote, my dollar, my work. I will never GOTV, I will never make phone calls, I will never go to rallies, I will never lift a finger for you clowns. Enjoy your Blue Death in November with mentally and physically declined selfish old coward that has already ruined his legacy and now will ruin the USA because he’s too delusional to look at the math and be conscience of the stakes. What a POS, and you will be right along with him if you join this sham and cowardly early nominating process when his numbers even within democrats is awful. Disgusting, especially because you haven’t spoken out or been communicative about our current situation in every swing state. Say goodbye to the constitution, rule of law, and democracy itself. Dictator Trump is coming for you and me and millions more. The world will suffer tremendously. It’s going to fall back on you.

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