  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Advise President Biden to step down from the presidential campaign

To: Rep. Schakowsky, Sen. Durbin, Sen. Duckworth

From: A constituent in Chicago, IL

July 10

, and even more irresponsible for the party to allow him continue to run. What is a party for if not to provide leadership on behalf of voters? I have se I will not vote for Joe Biden under any circumstances, and if he is on the ballot in November, i will not vote at all. It is irresponsible for him to run en very little leadership and care for the needs and concerns of ordinary citizens in the past year of primaries and leadup to this election. representative government and hurting perceived enemies. I do not speak of this lack of leadership lightly, and I do not say this because I'm not seeing my desired result. In fact, the leadership response to a as amounted to gaslighting of voters. The president has mostly lashed out at critics among voters, other Democratic officials and the media, rather than coherently, firmly, and energetically promoting positive changes that the president can make in a second term and outlining the threats represented by el ecting a criminal to the presidency again, while further enabling an out of control supreme court and a destructive, nihilistic party bent on dismantling terrible debate has been far more dismaying than the debate itself. The pretense that age has not been an issue for voters before the debate, and attempt s to talk us out of believing what we saw--the kind of incoherency we recognize from aged family members sumdowning and experiencing cognitive decline--h strenuous administration from day to day. There is shame in the arrogance of insisting on continuing as president when one can no longer maintain the con of the Democratic party. Please move to have this man removed at least from the campaign and have Vice President Harris take up the baton. fidence of citizens that is required for the job. There is shame in enabling a candidate who is not up to a vigorous campaign and is all too obvious to lose to a multiple felon granted broad criminal immunity by a corrupt supreme court. The stakes are too high. Great responsibility rests on the shoulders Age only goes one way. Mr. Biden will not recover or get better or have fewer episodes like we saw at the debate as time goes on. This is simply the way of the world. There is no shame in aging, and certainly there is no shame in taking on the role of a party elder sharing wisdom, rather than engaging in

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