  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Warren, Sen. Markey, Pres. Biden, Rep. Neal

From: A constituent in Sandisfield, MA

June 28

There is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that Donald Trump will win the presidency if a better candidate for the Democrats is not chosen; President Biden needs to do what’s right for this country and step down, letting a better candidate take his place in the run for presidency. Biden is not going to win again, but the Republicans will sure still vote for Donald Trump, even if they don’t like him. We NEED a candidate that has a chance of WINNING this election. Ifthe Democrats do not do the right thing and get a different candidate for us to vote for, it will be just as much your fault as the Republicans when this country falls to christo-fascism. President Biden MUST STEP DOWN!

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