End US Funding of Israeli Occupation: Prioritize Human Lives
  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

End US Funding of Israeli Occupation: Prioritize Human Lives

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Rep. Pettersen, Sen. Bennet, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Arvada, CO

April 20

The current situation in Gaza is alarming, with a significant number of child casualties and unprecedented danger faced by journalists, healthcare workers, and paramedics. The United States plays a role in this through its funding and arming of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. This support contributes to the severe injuries and inadequate medical care available in the region. It is crucial to reconsider the allocation of resources, particularly in terms of weapons supply to Israel. The aim should be to end the violence and suffering, not perpetuate it. Therefore, it is requested to halt the financial and military support until the occupation is lifted and the violence ends. This would be a step towards prioritizing human lives over geopolitical interests.

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