  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

Ceasefire Now

To: Sen. Schatz, Sen. Hirono, Pres. Biden, Rep. Case

From: A verified voter in Ewa Beach, HI

May 29

The United States must take immediate steps to deescalate, by calling for 1) a total and permanent ceasefire, 2) humanitarian aid allowed to enter Gaza, including reinstating funding to UNRWA, 3) an end to Israel's siege on Gaza, and 4) no more weapons or funding to the Israeli military. I support a permanent ceasefire, along with over 80 members of Congress, and 67% of American voters. I'm urgently asking the United States to call for a permanent ceasefire now. This is a genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza. A U.S. federal judge found that Israel is plausibly committing genocide. Members of Congress can be charged in court with aiding and abetting genocide through congressional acts. You must take action now to stop genocide and end all U.S. complicity in Israel's violence. I’m deeply ashamed that my country is aiding in this atrocity.

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