  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Markey, Rep. Trahan, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Westford, MA

November 13

I’m a constituent and part of the majority of U.S. voters who suppo rt withdrawing military funding from Israel. The only way to stop t he killing is to cut off the endless and unconditional supply of U. S. weapons and military funding fueling Israel’s atrocities. That starts with blocking the $20 billion weapons package to Israel. As a voter, your constituent, I urgently ask you to: 1.) Cosponsor all six Joint Re s. Pressure Israel to allow all humanitarian aid to enter Gaza immediately. solutions of Disapproval now to block the $20 billion weapons package to Israel, and then vote YES on each resolution. 2.) Push for an immediate arms emb argo on Israel. 3.) Direct the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. military personnel and resources from Israel, like the U.S. War Reserve Stockpile 4.) Cos

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