  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Get out there and fight for our democracy!

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Markey, Rep. Pressley, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Brighton, MA

July 12

Every single Democratic politician should be responding to every single question from a journalist about Biden's fitness for office by asking why their outlet isn't covering Trump's unfitness. "Trump wants to end American democracy and be a fascist dictator, and you're worried about Biden's stutter. This is ridiculous and offensive. Next question." That's it. Not only that, but y'all shouldn't be waiting for the journalists to be asking questions. You should be supporting Biden and attacking Trump publicly regardless of whether anyone asks. You should be looking for opportunities to get in front of cameras and microphones. You should be actively framing the narrative in Biden's favor, not waiting for the Republicans or the media to frame it for you. Instead, what we're getting from the Democrats is infighting and backstabbing, and a lot of silence. Why are Democratic politicians so bad at, you know, politics?

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