  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Condemn the airstrike on Baptist Hospital. Impose an arms embargo on Israel now.

To: Rep. Courtney, Pres. Biden, Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

September 1

The recent airstrike on the Baptist Hospital, is a grave violation of international law and human rights. Targeting a medical facility, which serves as a refuge for civilians during conflicts, is an unconscionable act that must be condemned in the strongest terms. This attack has resulted in numerous casualties, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis and immense suffering endured by the people of Gaza. The systematic targeting of civilian infrastructure and the indiscriminate use of force against a densely populated area is unacceptable and constitutes a war crime. Israel's actions have led to a staggering loss of life, including many women and children, and have caused widespread destruction, displacement, and trauma. It is imperative that the international community takes immediate and decisive action to halt these atrocities and hold Israel accountable for its actions. An arms embargo must be imposed on Israel to prevent it from carrying out further attacks and to ensure compliance with international law and human rights norms. The continued supply of weapons and military support to Israel only enables and emboldens its aggression, perpetuating the violence and suffering at the cost of hardworking US taxpayers. The protection of civilians, especially in conflict zones, should be a paramount concern for all nations committed to upholding human rights and the principles of international law.

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