  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Support transparent online subscription cancellation policies

To: Sen. Duckworth, Rep. Schneider, Sen. Durbin

From: A verified voter in Highland Park, IL

October 8

The ability to easily cancel online subscriptions is crucial for consumer protection. Companies often make it far too difficult to end recurring charges, trapping customers into paying for unwanted services. The proposed FTC rules aim to rectify this unfair practice by requiring businesses to provide simple, straightforward cancellation methods comparable to the sign-up process. This change would empower consumers, allowing them to exercise control over their finances and avoid being ensnared in subscription plans against their will. Implementing transparent cancellation policies upholds basic consumer rights and fosters a fair marketplace built on transparency and accountability. Decisive action is needed to curb deceptive tactics that exploit consumers' reasonable expectations regarding service termination. Congressional action to better support the FTC would be beneficial especially given the Supreme Court's Chevron decision that weakens regulatory actions.

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