  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Schatz, Sen. Hirono, Pres. Biden, Rep. Case

From: A constituent in Honolulu, HI

June 28

Too many pieces of media are being purged or destroyed without notice or warning. From Warner Max purging finished projects for tax credits to Paramount ,deleting 25 years of content and the law suits threatening to dismantle the Internet archives. We are facing the destruction of the digital library of Alexandria. It's almost criminal to have decades of work vanish because the powers at be think that its existence is inconvenient. We need some form of media protection not only for online content, not just for entertainment but for news and research sources as well. We have already seen the worst case scenario play out, equity groups purchase news outlets across the country, outlets that report on corruption and investigate people who run these kinds of groups. And once they are bought they are shut down and scrapped for parts so they can no longer report and scrap any story that might make them or their friends look bad. We must do something to protect big and small media projects from being erased from existence. Its up to you in power to find some way to protect the right and the legacy of those who work and make a living on the world wide web.

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