  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Ensure Safe, Non-Toxic Menstrual Products Through Stronger Regulations

To: Rep. Strickland, Sen. Murray, Pres. Biden, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Tacoma, WA

July 26

It is deeply concerning that studies have found lead, arsenic, and other potentially harmful chemicals in tampons and menstrual products. These products come into close contact with the body and any toxic exposure poses unacceptable risks, especially for those who menstruate over many years. There is no safe level of lead exposure, and arsenic should not be present at all. While further research is needed on absorption and health impacts, this highlights an urgent need for stronger regulation and accountability from manufacturers. Companies must be compelled to eliminate heavy metals and toxic chemicals like PFAS from menstrual products. Corporations cannot be allowed to prioritize profits over consumer safety when it comes to items that affect such a biologically sensitive area. Stricter testing, transparency about ingredients, and enforceable limits on contaminants are essential to protect public health. Menstruating individuals deserve access to safe, non-toxic period products. Decisive action is required to ensure corporations uphold this basic right through responsible manufacturing practices.

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