Message from your constituent
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Message from your constituent

To: Rep. Williams, Pres. Biden, Sen. Ossoff, Sen. Warnock

From: A constituent in Atlanta, GA

April 19

Over the last six months, Americans have continuously and passionately supported the Palestinian people but we continue to feel unheard by our elected officials. All eyes are on the middle east and the United States seems to be immovable in its blind support to Israel, despite the overwhelming evidence that Israel’s military continues to target Palestinian civilians, commit settler violence, and violate numerous international regulations, including striking the Iranian consulate building. Our financial and military support to Israel makes the U.S. complicit in these crimes. Again, I ask that you consider what will be the legacy of the U.S. in this conflict, and demand a ceasefire in Gaza, increase humanitarian aid to Gaza, and cease the unconditional funding of Israel’s military as they continue to commit war crimes in the region.

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