  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Warnock, Rep. Williams, Pres. Biden, Sen. Ossoff

From: A constituent in Atlanta, GA

July 1

Flip the ticket Be Bold No one better to take on Trump than a Bad Ass Prosecutor. He is a cheater and a criminal and must be stopped… Do we really want to become the whining victims he leads us to be? No, we are strong - not in bullying, cheating, and violence but in strong in grit, determination, and champion of the underdog. Own flipping the flag Own Dark Brandon going into the shadows to give intel to Madame Harris, Captain Kamala. Fighting for truth, justice, and American way. It is NOT bullying, belittling, cheating, whining, lying. It is, standing up for what’s right, taking responsibility, supporting the underdog, solving hard problems through ingenuity and hard work. We learn from our mistakes and get better. We do better together. We are at risk of losing this fundamental freedom. Time to stop the Greatest Con Man of all time. Let Biden keep getting shit done as VP. Do what he does best… connect, reach consensus, and not back down from the belief in a united America. Elevate where we were at the 2020 election - not only pandemic, but division and strife was raw, wounds of country laid bare, and promise of racial rekcogning and appreciation of the essential workers who keep communities going. First term as a team - focus on fundamentals of jobs, infrastructure… basics to help us emerge out of Covid and have roads to safely drive on, clean air to breathe, and honest work to do. Acknowledge so much more to do… every American needs to be able to achieve the American dream… EVERY American should be able to have a safe place to live, food on the table, quality healthcare, education, and opportunities to work, play, and thrive. We need to step it up and address the crisis of the border; a fair and equitable justice system that protects liberty for every person and punishes criminal acts; Reversing corporate giveaways at the expense of individual hard-working people; a healthcare system that is affordable, accessible, and puts the power in the hands of the patient and provider, not the insurance companies…. These things that are important to the American people have been blocked by radicals in Congress. Radicals on the Supreme Court are dismantling democracy. We need to keep laser focused on what else we need to do… honor the promise of this country… we can do it together, but only together as the United States, the United people of America. We are being baited into thinking each other is the enemy - our neighbor is not our enemy. Our neighbor is the teacher, plumber, programmer, hair dresser next door. Time to get back to focus on the underdog… take on the ways people want to work hard, have purpose, contribute… difficult when basic needs like food, housing, healthcare, education are harder and harder to maintain. We need every community to thrive.

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