  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Please publish the ERA while there is still time

To: Pres. Biden, Sen. Casey, Sen. Fetterman, Rep. Houlahan

From: A constituent in Reading, PA

December 11, 2024

The Equal Rights Amendment has been a long-standing goal to ensure constitutional protections against discrimination based on sex. With less than 40 days until the next administration takes office, it is imperative that you take action to codify the ERA and safeguard the rights of women and LGBTQ+ individuals. The ERA met all requirements for ratification decades ago, yet it remains unpublished. Publishing the ERA would explicitly prohibit sex-based discrimination under the highest law of the land, protecting access to abortion, gender-affirming healthcare, and equal opportunities. An amendment cannot be easily overturned by political whims. As the torchbearers of this 101-year struggle, we implore you to exercise your constitutional authority and immediately publish the Equal Rights Amendment. Ensure the United States joins the ranks of nations that enshrine sex equality, fulfilling a fundamental tenet of democracy. Millions of Americans are counting on you to secure their rights and liberties through the ERA.

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