  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Cease all funding for Israel’s “Iron Dome”

To: Sen. Murphy, Rep. Courtney, Sen. Blumenthal, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in East Hampton, CT

August 28

US military funding for Israel's "Iron Dome" missile defense system should be halted immediately. The recent $1 billion in additional funding approved by Congress was unnecessary and a callous waste of US taxpayer money. Iron Dome is part of the larger military apparatus used to enforce Israel's apartheid system over Palestinians. It does nothing to address the root causes of violence and injustice in the region. True security requires ending the occupation, dismantling the apartheid system, and allowing Palestinians to live with freedom and dignity. Instead of pouring more money into military hardware, funds should go towards diplomacy, human rights monitoring, and humanitarian aid for those suffering under the blockade of Gaza. The path to a just peace lies not in further militarization, but in upholding human rights, adhering to international law, and pursuing a negotiated political solution with the full participation of Palestinians. All US military assistance enabling the illegal occupation and abuses against Palestinians as ruled by The International Court of Justice must end.

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